I’ve been asked why I am leaving my job and going overseas
for 3-1/2 months with no promise of employment when I get back. The short
answer is I want some time off to take a look at what I am doing and decide if
I want to do this for another 25+ years or if I should try something else.
I’ve had some good times at my current job but for many
years I have also had a sense of dissatisfaction. But I was on cruise control
and settled in to earning enough to make me comfortable when in 2012 I started
working for a new manager whom I was not really comfortable with. Looking back he was OK but
I did not like the change and then a year later and I found
myself working for another new manager, this time with an extremely toxic personality
and by the time the summer of 2014 came along I was burnt out. I’ll spare the
details other than I don’t think he wanted me in his department and life got to
the point at work where I did not care if he let me go.
In the fall of 2011 I had started coaching college novice
rowing and I think it was that which gave me strength to get through what was a
dark time at work. It was a totally different world and I don’t know that I made a difference there but it felt like
it at times. Despite the fact that they paid barely enough to cover my
expenses and I had to work even harder at my other job to keep it up, I did
this 6 days a week for three seasons. Until the spring of ’14 when my
toxic boss made me quit.
Being a coach at times seemed as much a psychological
wellness position as a coaching position, and I started to think about what I
would have told members of my team if they were going through the same thing. So
I decided a change of momentum was needed and began to make plans to take time
off. Everything was in motion, I committed to Projects Abroad and made a down
payment, refinanced my condo, and had started putting everything in motion when
suddenly in January I have a new boss, one that happen to respect and like
working for.
It took about two weeks but with my old boss gone I started
to realize how bad things had gotten for me and now they were getting better.
In turn, this was probably the first crisis for me on leaving as now I was
faced with a very different environment at work. It was not too late to call the
whole thing off and would have been easy, nobody really knew about my plans at
that point. But the more I thought about it the more I began to realize my old
boss probably did me a favor. I had been dissatisfied with work for a while and
by pushing me right up to the edge I finally took it into my hands to do
something about it. I won’t miss you but thank you.
To those of you whom I coached, you don't know it but you too had a hand in my
making this decision so a heart felt thank you to you as well.
But there is more to my decision than working for a boss I
did not like and some of my original dissatisfaction I believe stems back to 9/11, which
probably sounds dumb, but that day most certainly changed my perception of
things. For one I became proud of what this country can stand for. I also
disliked some of the things it has come to be associated with and as such I
wanted to do something that made the world a better place. Cue sappy music.
Most people don’t know this about me but one year after 9/11
I started working at becoming a cop because I saw that as something I could do
that would make a difference in peoples lives. During the course of over two
years I took the police exams in Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison, and a half dozen suburbs.
I've actually been hooked up to a lie detector twice. Between that and the competitive rowing team I was a part of organizing, I felt
as if I was working towards something. In 2005 all the stars were aligning, my
team was very competitive going into the biggest race of the year and I had
been given an intent to hire by a local department with a date to report to the
police academy.
That date conflicted with the Head of the Charles and after
working so hard that season I did not want to miss the race nor did I want to
force my boat to replace me with only a few weeks to go. So I deferred my date
to report to the academy. We did not win a medal, 0.0168 seconds too slow for that, but that year is still the high
point of my rowing career, however it may have been my undoing in being a cop.
An injury that I am pretty sure was aggravated by training with the team got
worse after the season and when the time came to report to the academy I was
not able to do the run. Unable to defer the date again I had to decline the
position and that put an end to it all. At 35 I was too old to apply elsewhere
and walking away was very hard for me to deal with but looking back I don’t
think I would have changed anything. Despite how things turned out in January
of '06, 2005 with its potentials for the future was perhaps the happiest time
I have had. Ever since I suppose I have been trying to figure out how to get
back to that. Until now.
This decision to take time off has me excited about the
potential of the future again and in many ways I feel stronger now than I have
at any time in the last 10 years. I suppose it could totally blow up in my face
but for the first time in a long time it feels like the possibilities are wide
open. I have no idea what will happen but if feels like good things are on the
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